Bless the unprofitable clown for his comedy! Thank goodness that unlike it, my sense of self worth isn't tied up in whether people like me on forums. Sure that's the only thing that is a source of joy in their life. I couldn't expect better from a 13 year old slumdweller who's still praying and fasting for the day when it'll eat 3 square meals.
Hell, an exceptionally poor church mouse in a refugee camp in Somalia is Croesus compared to this guy. A literal church mouse is living life compared to him.
Poor and destitute to the bone, he sleeps in a gutter infested with the most scary and dangerous bacteria, bacteria which are unknown to science.
The closest he's come to sleeping on a bed is lying down on a Furniture Maker's advertisement flyer.
Even if for the sake of pleasing it and making it happy, we assume that I'm a "poor villager living in Nigeria", which one of us in this forum would rather choose to inhabit a slum? (@ajay
bearstrong @dorado
brobear @carmichael
lincoln Hardcastle catcat CoolJohnson endershadow @lbj @hammerhead @ling
metasuchus Methane oldgreengrolar paul pinky powerhouseking40 theundertaker45 toast Wyatt wermthewerm hishaam1 grippingwhiteness @kaijufan1789 )
Please to anyone reading this, tell me honestly if you would actually choose a slum over a village.
It's better to be hardly present but every time that you are present, you count for something, than to be present every time and be of no value. It should be ashamed of itself that it has so much posts, yet we can count on ONE hand how many of them are actually relevant. Heaps upon heaps of threads created by it, just lying fallow with little to nothing in them. I can name them and give the link to them if need be.
Basically, it's entire existence is just moving from one degree of failure to another. Instagram posts that literally have 25 views at max (Laugh My Head Off), an account with 11 followers none of which (except Hammerhead) has spoken to it in the last 6 months. Heck, let's not even get started on its rumble account or whatever it's called. We're talking uploads with 4 views over a period of months. Zero followers on said platform. There are a myriad of other platforms that he's on where nobody knows he exists.
It is beyond evident, a blind man could almost see it, that this entity is fighting tooth and nail just to win the appraisal of people. Spending only God knows how long creating montages that will have no more than 10 views in the next century. Hell, I just remembered he has a YouTube channel, a new one that doesn't have a future called GatorAid with a stupid pitbull's face as the profile pic (Lord knows where they stole this one from).
On that meaningless channel, you'll find 2 stupid videos:
▪︎ "One of the worst posts on Carnivora Forum ever" (ironically, it's one of the worst videos, if not the worst video on YouTube) and
▪︎ "Sighthound uncovered #1 - Galgo Barbucho Patagonico $ Boergreyhound".
This guy is really blowing, he's becoming really popular. I mean it's like Taylor Swift just released a new music video, that's why he only has 32 views in total. BTW, you wanna know how many subscribers this guy has.
Well, it’s a really immense number. It resembles the 15th letter of the English Alphabet, it’s just a little, teeny, weeny different. It resembles the fruit of a popular tree, a fruit that is used make cakes and custards, the fruit of the jackfruit tree. Yeah, that’s right, I’ve given you a hint, look at a jackfruit and see which Arabic numeral is closest to it in shape. That’s the colossal, gargantuan, enormous, humongous amount of subscribers he has.
Come on, why don’t we all be nice, and give a pauper in need a helping hand, and go to that godforsaken channel and click that red button and the notification bell so that he feels like he has something to live for.
I couldn’t imagine myself promoting nuisance, but just so I’m nice, I’ll give the link to that video dumpsite that will eternally languish in the dustbin of history:’re welcome Bolushi for me promoting your channel).
And if BTW, you feel the need to defend him and say that the channel is still very young, well you’ll be embarking on a lost cause because not too long ago, he had another channel where he used to pollute YouTube with the filthy activities that go on in his good old dilapidated neighbourhood and show us the scrawny, shabby-looking dogs that were either picked up from the street or wittily stolen from a pet shop just so he could get rid of the loneliness that encircles him like a pack of ravenous wolves in the middle of the night. (Jeez, he’s smart, he can barely find his daily bread and he’s still adding more mouths to the team). That video garbage bag also hardly left a footprint in the world. If I remember correctly, he didn’t have up to 50 subscribers (did I say 50?
That’s exceedingly generous. Not sure it was even up to half of that). And oh boy! On that channel, he had over 200 junk pieces. Some of them had been there for years. Many, with 3 views, no likes, no comments. His channel was like the dead sea. In fact, I was the one who kept a particular video’s comment section active when I deceitfully told it that it’s dog was cute, just so it could feel happy. That particular video had been there for about 2 years, no likes, 2 views, no comments until I graciously picked up my gadget and went to the beggar to give him alms.
Since as usual, it’s something that belongs to Bolushi, it only stands to reason that it was of no value. It wasn’t too long before YouTube realised that hopeless channel’s and decontaminated their app of what was a liability to them. That channel was created in I think 2019, if I’m right. The number of views it had were not up to half a thousand. So there’s no excuse that this current channel is young. It’s just going to be like the other one, headed to nowhere.
And it seems banning him is a recurrent thing. Around September 28 last year, Quora decided to get rid of it because it was a virus. They realised it’s account was better dead than alive, and hence took the right actions. You see this thing, 2 bans in the same year, and you think it’s not got any problems? 2 separate times, important organisations have felt the need to purge themselves of it. (I know it’s reading this and he should just close the unsanitized toilet and not bother talking about Lincoln. Lincoln was banned on unfair or maybe even non-existent grounds, so please do him the courtesy and don’t compare yourself to him. Sometimes, authorities are in the wrong).
I’ll be glad not to have a channel than to have one that is destined for removal. How terrible it is to be a farmer, have farming tools, to work hard, all to reap nothing in harvest time!
Most of the people here know it from other places. Few people here have previously known me, yet they’re already socialising gradually. I bet that wouldn’t be your story if you were new (which you once unfortunately were, BTW). So don’t say that people are replying you or anything, cuz it’s nothing.
It’s s sad that unlike it, I have more important things to be doing for me to be seeking the love of people on forums. And despite everything it does, the amount of work it puts in actually appears to be inversely proportional to the credit it’s getting.
More labour, more GIFs, going to the ends of the earth to find pictures on Facebook, and all for what? Nothing, nobody cares dude (I know dude should actually be used on humans, but you know, my generosity)
Nothing? Do nothing?
Sure, it would wish that I'd follow in its hellward leading footsteps and play the fool, so "do nothing" actually means "do nothing stupid" and when that's the case, it's sad that I know better than to follow it.
This guy is a detested fellow wherever he roams. I bet Florida would announce a public holiday to celebrate freedom from 21st century bubonic plague the day he gave up the ghost.
He’s so lonely and in need of company that he literally went and created a second account to pose as a guest (Dogo King), just so he could be talking to himself. An account that exists mainly to ridicule me. Good luck, being stupid, dear.
Do you believe I’m dumb or what? Do I have to remind you that my name is not Tristan Myers? Why then should he be playing silly tricks thinking I won’t find out? If you wanna play stupid games, there’s Yoshi, Bo, Luke there for you. Go play your games with something your own size.
Tristan Myers: "
Well, I haven't wasted my life being paranoid about others".
There's no need to waste your life boy". Don't you se? That's the beauty of it!
It always was a waste from day 1. You can't kill the dead, you can't waste that which is by nature a waste.
Imagine saying you want to waste shit, saying you want to waste human waste. Something like that, that's just a euphemistic comparison. Do you get?
Besides, why would I waste my life being paranoid about this? You rank far too low for me to be bothered about wasting my life on you. There are far more profitable ways to waste one's life, ways where it's not like their life has no meaning. Just staring at the stars at night all the day long is still a better way to waste. Eww, you're the last thing I could ever dream of wasting my time worrying about.
Just in case he’s reading this, let him know that I, on account of him being my underling, give him the liberty to go search the ends of the Internet for what to say in defence. Feel free, go look for
“You were born on a highway, cuz that’s where...”
“Your mama went to the grocery store so she wouldn’t...”
“If you wanna see a (dash), go look in the mirror”
“I’m sure your mama doesn’t put your...”
“When your mum dropped you off at school, they paid her...”
Don’t worry, kid. I’ve seen and heard all of that and so much more, about five years before you did.
I don't know, if this guy is ready for war, he better be, cuz I won't go easy on him simply because he's a minor, 13 year old kid.
I'm done ignoring him. For your own sake better stop, or this will be the beginning of your catastrophe.
Antonio has delivered you into my hands, you're at my mercy, completely.
If you value your self, give it up, because this is not even the tip of the iceberg. We're not scraping the surface of what I can do to you.
If not, you'll rue and curse the day Antonio, your supposed mentor whose footsteps you're not even following, unbanned me from this forum.
Thanks for reading.
Yours Faithfully
The most wretched organism in Florida.